Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why is the rum gone?

It was the question Captain Jack Sparrow asked. A question which, although it had an answer, didn't really, and wasn't meant to be answered. And there are so many variations on this kind of question. For instance:

  1. Why is it raining still/again? (Or not, as the case may be.)
  2. Why is my yard full of FAT robins this year? (Seriously. They're all at least 20% overweight.)
  3. Why are there not footie pajamas for grown ups? (Maybe not for summer, but around here in January, man, they'd be really useful.)
  4. Why does pizza usually taste better cold?
  5. Why is there not more knitting/crocheting/reading time in the day? (Or whatever your relaxing hobby of choice is. For me, I would give those three a resounding YES and add a few other hobbies in there for good measure.)
  6. Why does my lottery ticket never have the winning numbers?
  7. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
  8. Why do the fairies/elves/gnomes never come and clean my house for me?
See? Inquiring minds want to know....

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